I'm sitting in a pizza joint in Palm Beach International, waiting for my flight to the frozen tundra of southern New Jersey. Why would I, a 17 year resident of tropical Florida be braving the Arctic cold of the North East? What would have prompted me to purchased a down jacket - my first since the 1970s? There's only one answer: looking for tomorrow, today.
I'm on my way to the Jewish Educators Assembly Conference, called "From Sinai to Cyberspace: Exploring the Impact of Technology on Jewish Education". The Conservative movement (like the Reform next week) is embarking on a journey to investigate the interface between digital learning and Torah. We educators know that something must change. We also know that the process of re-visioning Jewish learning is well on its way. We are in the midst of learning how these Jetson-like tools can work for us today.
I plan on blogging the conference, sharing with you my thoughts, impressions, questions, and maybe even gossip and trivia, if anything pops up. I'll also be tweeting my experiences at #jea59 (as well as #jed21). If you can't be with me, freezing your tuches off, at least you can vicariously experiencing how today we take our steps, virtual and real, into the future.
Learn much. Have fun. Give hugs to our colleagues from me.