There’s something about airports. I find them exciting. For me I think they represent travelling into the unknown. I mean I know that I’m flying to Philadelphia to participate in the ISTE11 (International Society for Technology in Education) conference, but I’m not exactly certain what to expect. That’s a thrilling prospect. What I understand is that thousands (according to one description I’ve read, 20000) educators and participants will be there. Wow!
Thanks to PELIE (Partnership for Effective Learning and Innovative Education) I’m going to have the opportunity to explore ways that Jewish education can be transformed, through the use of digital and cloud based learning experiences. My pedagogical toolbox will be restocked and refitted. These new implements of learning and teaching can be means that will certainly enhance the way we engage our students. Just as the radio and television revolutionized what went on in the classroom in the last century, Google Docs, edmodo and mobile technology can transform learning tomorrow.
Of course, I’m going with a specific goal – exploring how edtech can be integrated into the Jewish classroom. Just as secular education suffers from budget constraints, Jewish education (especially complimentary Jewish education) also is impacted by a deficit in financial support from synagogues, federations and national organizations. My hope is to explore how we can overcome monetary limitations and create vibrant Jewish educational experiences with the technology we already have, while advocating for increased investment.
For the next few days I’ll be blogging here about my experiences. If you are interested in learning more about this conference from a Jewish perspective, follow on twitter at #pelietech, #jed21 and #avichaifdn. For general info about the conference, follow #iste11.
Onward and Upward!
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